Founded in 2016, seeks to open up a local and international dialogue between established and emerging artists. The presented works derive from the connection between digital or net-based art and club culture, reflecting in particular the recent history of Berlin.
Lectures, performances and screenings as well as an edition complete the exhibition programme. Our activities received press reviews in a variety of print and online media such as Neural Magazin, Berliner Zeitung, taz and Vice (see below).
Over the past years, we collaborated with local and international initiatives such as transmediale/CTM Vorspiel 2017–2019, PAF performing art festival 2018-19, Zwei Tage Wedding festival 2017/2018 or The Wrong Digital Biennale. Our activities were supported by Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa (Spartenoffene Förderung), Lotto Stiftung Berlin, Canada Council for the Arts and Bezirksamt Mitte von Berlin. sucht den Dialog zu fördern zwischen den jungen und alten Generationen, den lokalen und den internationalen Künstlern. Dabei steht besonders die Verbindung zwischen digitalen und netzbasierten und den mit Klang/Sound/Poesie arbeitenden und mit der Klubkultur verbundenen Künsten im Zentrum.
Gil Kuno's Early Internet Exploration Remains an Electric Testament to Online Creativity in Solo Exhibition @ in Berlin
in – AUTRE – 14.12.2023
Kunst und Technik
by Tilman Baumgärtel – TAZ – 30.01.2023
NfTNeTArT at Highlights the Medium in the Flesh
by Zoe Cooper – zora zine – 10 March 2022
Tired of digital gimmicks? YOUar looking at a spoof of virtual galleries
by Leah Collins – CBC Arts – 3. November 2020
Net Art’s Deep Berlin Roots – Exploring the seminal role Berlin has played in defining the artistic genre
by Liam Kelly – Lola Magazine – 27 February 2020
Serie Projekträume #9 Panke Gallery
by Lorina Spender – ZITTY – Nov 2019, Seite 68
Die Ästhetiken des Netzes mit Mitteln des Netzes kritisieren
by Martin Conrads – taz – 19 October 2018
Berlin. Zentrum der Netzkunst. Die Urzeit des Internets
by Tilman Baumgärtel – Berliner Zeitung – 8 October 2018
I’d Invite You to this Rave, But You’ll Need to Mine Crypto and Find a New Identity First
by Emily McDermott – Garage by Vice – 02 August 2018
Claire Tolan – Shush Tones
by Aurelio Cianciotta – Neural (58) – 02 January 2018
Der Sechsenmaler Rainer Brendel schafft Kunst für den Augenblick
by Tilman Baumgärtel – Berliner Zeitung – 14 October 2017
Info pdf
Sakrowski | Curator
Noemi Garay | Programme Coordination
Igor Štromajer | Social Media
Alex Scrimgeour | Text, Consulting
Larissa Wunderlich | Design, Consulting
Doma Smoljo | Infrastructure
Erika Siekstelyte | Administration\
People with visual impairments and blindness: We offer guided tours and audio guides to communicate the exhibition.
People with mobility impairments: We have railings at the ramp and offer assistance to move through the site.
General accessibility services:
- Wheelchair access available at ground level or via ramp
- Wheelchair-accessible toilet available
- Staff support for people with disabilities on site if required
- Accessible website with information on facilities and services
Support – Verein für künstlerisch-kulturelle Bildung e.V. is a non-profit organisation. All of our activities are made possible with the help of mostly honorary and voluntary contributors.
Consider supporting our work with a donation?
Your donation will be used to finance our exhibitions, events and educational activities as well as the development of diverse and innovative artistic formats.
(Please contact us for donation receipts stating name and postal address, applicaple for donations from 200€.)
Donate to: - Verein für künstlerisch- kulturelle Bildung e.V.
IBAN: DE46 1005 0000 0191 0075 52, BIC: BELADEBEXXX
You might also donate in Etherium to our wallet: 0x15ECA7bf2ec05e5B1b80C9b634B850276530F82f
Institutional support
Further supporters
Hannah Rumstedt | Foto, Video
Visvaldas Morkevicius | Foto, Video
!Mediengruppe Bitnik | Infrastructure
Brendan Howell | Infrastructure